Tag Archive for: pet vaccine compliance

Preventive care is one of the most important things in keeping your pets happy and healthy—unfortunately, it’s also one of the easiest things for your clients to shrug off or postpone indefinitely. While your clients are thinking about the money, you need to reassure them that pet vaccine compliance is crucial to the health and longevity of their pet. 

How to Encourage Pet Vaccine Compliance

What gets measured gets done. As you make efforts to increase pet vaccine compliance engagement, make sure you’re tracking your results! It’s the only way to figure out what’s working and what might not be working as well. With that in mind, here are some ideas you can incorporate into your veterinary practice to get clients engaged in pet vaccine compliance:

Sending Reminders

One of the most effective tactics is a simple one: Remind your clients of upcoming vaccine appointments. For a lot of people, visiting the veterinarian is a costly trip. Springing something on them last minute, like a vaccination, will very likely cause them to decline. 

Start sending reminders 60 days ahead of time so it’s on their minds. And, so they don’t forget, continue sending reminders—even after the vaccination is overdue! Try sending reminders 30 days out, two weeks out, on the due date, and a week or two after the due date has passed. 

While texts have the highest opening rate, try asking your clients how they prefer to be contacted. This will go a long way in making sure they receive and read/listen to your messages. 

Make It a Team Effort

Make sure your entire staff is putting effort into increasing pet vaccine compliance engagement. For example, if a client has declined a vaccination before meeting with the doctor, it’s the technician’s responsibility to inform the doctor. That way, they can walk into the exam room prepared with important information like potential health consequences and cost. 

Even if this results in the client declining the vaccine, a note can be made on their profile and you can try again on the next visit. 

Make It an Easy “Yes”

You are the expert in this situation. Speaking with confidence is one of the most effective ways to convince your clients that you know best, and that whatever you suggest will help their pet or pets. A great way to convey confidence is to preview services at the beginning of the visit. 

This can look a lot of different ways, but one example is this: Have your technician introduce themselves, and then list all of the services the pet is due for at that time, including vaccinations. So, instead of asking the client “would you like to get the ____ vaccine today?” you tell them what services their pet will be getting, and then ask if they have any questions. 

Providing Optimal Veterinary Care

Vetrix is the leading supplier of veterinary regenerative medicine. We help veterinarians all over the world provide the very best natural and scientific treatments to their furry patients. To learn more about our technology, visit our website! Feel free to reach out with any questions you have. For more tips on optimizing and streamlining your veterinary practice, check out our blog.