Your Guide to a Soundly Stocked Pet Pharmacy

pet pharmacy

We now live in an era of convenience: We have everything at our fingertips. Clients often want near instant arrival of products. Thanks to technology, we have made moves to make products more readily available. The outcome? The means for a smartly-stocked pet pharmacy that meets patient needs. 

Just like people, pets get sick too. And there are times patients can’t wait for orders to be delivered to them. Smartly stocking your pet pharmacy according to all patient needs ensures patients receive required medication in a timely manner—and clients are satisfied because of it. 

Smartly Stocked Doesn’t Mean Overstocked 

It’s important to remember that there is a process to stocking your pharmacy without being wasteful. Overstocking can cause more waste than worth. Here’s a helpful guide: 

Injectables. There are many varieties of injectables out on the market today. Plus, oral medications have extremely low compliance rates. Keep injection shots on hand in your pharmacy so the client has a more hassle-free process for pet treatment.

Antibiotics. A pet pharmacy should keep a large supply of in-clinic antibiotics. While there are an assortment of antibiotics, keep in mind that many can double as human medications. 

Pain Control. No patient wants to be in pain; there isn’t much worse. Stocking species-specific pain medication is beneficial to clients as it cuts down on potential wait times for needed medication and pain relief.

There are many other important technologies essential to your pet pharmacy, which address conditions affecting the eyes, ears, and skin. It’s also best to have preventives, chronic, diet, and OTC supplemental medicines on hand as well. 

Steps to Make It Easier 

People love convenience. Keeping a soundly stocked pet pharmacy will not only enhance convenience for clients, but your profit margins as well. 

Step 1: Appoint an Inventory Manager to Oversee the Pharmacy 

Having a dedicated inventory manager is important for keeping track of ordering and receiving inventory. Not only should this team member be dedicated to organizing inventory: They should also be in charge of all things related to client communication.

Step 2: Audit Your Current Inventory

Be smart about what is in stock. Perform an inventory audit—check dates to track what is still good to use—and keep an up-to-date report of which products are running low. 

Step 3: Create Stability 

Finally, create a sense of stability in your practice for inventory. It’s important to nurture pharmacy-to-client communication, and keep supply updated to fulfill any order a client may request (within reason). 


Stocking a pet pharmacy is about making sure your patients are well taken care of in a cost-effective and efficient manner for you. By implementing inventory management strategies into your pharmacy, everyone is set to benefit. Contact us about medication questions, and how we can help your practice keep a soundly stocked pet pharmacy!