Implications of Oxidative Stress on the Retina

We all need oxygen to survive. When it comes to dogs and cats, you may be surprised to learn the two tissues that need oxygen the most are the brain and the retina. Both have perfectly evolved to use high levels of oxygen at just the right balance of oxidative stress.

The retina and the brain have similar barriers of specialized cells that protect them from toxins. Many factors—including aging and eye inflammation—can cause a breakdown in the control of oxidative stress, leading to poor retinal health such as a retinal detachment. These can occur quite easily due to a weakened neural retina that separates and “unzips” from the retinal pigment epithelium.

Retinal Detachments

Dogs and cats are often seen for retinal detachments. It’s often a genetic condition for dogs or a result of trauma, cancer, uveitis, or cataract surgery. High blood pressure is the largest cause for senior cats. Both can experience loss in night vision when age is a factor. 

Most Common Retinal Disease for Dogs

More commonly seen as a genetic retinal disease in dogs of all breeds is Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA). Most PRA patients are between the ages of 6 and 8. Many will also develop cataracts. Unfortunately, there is no cure for PRA.

Vetrix Eye Solutions to Rethink Healing

Leading the way in regenerative treatments and technologies, Vetrix rethinks healing to promote cell growth and migration, while reducing inflammation within the eye for healthy healing.

Vetrix EyeQ Amniotic Eye Drops are one solution we offer to veterinarians to promote better eye health for their patients. These drops provide a micronized, naturally occurring, biological scaffold with innate high concentrations of anti-inflammatory components. Reduced inflammation and rapid epithelialization occur as a result.

Using EyeQ Amniotic Eye Drops is easy, and it’s packaged for a long shelf life. Following treatment, the patient is monitored to reveal successful results. While our EyeQ Eye Drops help treat many things, they are not a solution or treatment specifically for PRA. 

What Makes EyeQ Different

Promotes Healing

The product’s concentrations of growth factors and immune-privileged components promote rapid cell migration and epithelialization to the defect.

Modulate Inflammation

Offering strong concentrations of anti-inflammatory properties, EyeQ Amniotic Eye Drops modulate inflammation, creating an environment of superior healing.

Long-Lasting Lubrication

Hyaluronic acid presents a strong, long-lasting lubricant that prevents micro injury from blinking.

Learn More About Vetrix

Vetrix is an innovator in the development of state-of-the-art regenerative medicine to help veterinarians treat patients recovering from an illness, surgery, serious wound, or eye condition. EyeQ Amniotic Eye Drops can be ordered directly from our online store

We look forward to sharing more about our technologies and treatments with you!